Ms. Borissov focuses on infrastructure in Indiana. She represents energy, communications, and infrastructure companies in a variety of practice areas including regulatory law, cooperative law, carbon capture and sequestration and CO2 pipeline law, labor and employment matters, real estate, right-of-way acquisition, commercial transactions, and corporate compliance. In addition, Ms. Borissov works extensively with corporate boards to cultivate sound governance practices, improve decision-making methods, navigate evolving industry trends, prioritize corporate compliance, and identify and manage risk. Areas of concentration include:
- Understanding Indiana’s laws on carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and carbon dioxide pipelines and advising clients on how to navigate those untested laws.
- Assisting energy clients as they develop renewable and clean energy projects and providing solutions when third party projects intersect with existing infrastructure.
- Supporting electric cooperatives and broadband companies as they expand fiber infrastructure and broadband service to unserved rural areas in Indiana.
- Navigating grant and loan programs funded under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program (BEAD), and other federal and state funding programs.
- Recognizing the interplay of Section 45 investment and production tax credits with project finance and construction and helping clients comply with prevailing wage, apprenticeship, community benefits plan, and domestic content requirements to ensure maximum loan and grant funding eligibility and Section 45 tax credit realization.
- Collaborating with new large energy consumers (“Megaloads”) to craft customized solutions to meet unprecedented energy and infrastructure needs.
Ms. Borissov began her professional career as a consultant, working with utilities on rate design, cost of service studies, and rate case filings. In addition, before attending law school, she gained valuable regulatory experience as a public utility analyst with the Arizona Corporation Commission.
As an attorney, Ms. Borissov has served in the role of outside counsel with Parr Richey and in-house counsel with NiSource, Inc., a large investor-owned utility company. While in-house, she concentrated on regulatory and business matters including rate cases, financing cases, regulatory compliance, infrastructure investment decisions, and customer complaints.
Through her experience as a consultant and as an attorney, Ms. Borissov honed a deep understanding of corporate business functions, industry trends, and a client’s position in its industry. Ms. Borissov leverages her substantial technical and business experience to understand complex governance, economic, financial, and accounting issues that affect her clients. Ms. Borissov serves as a trusted business advisor by creating valued business partnerships with clients and external stakeholders, proactively identifying opportunities for the client, and maintaining a firm understanding of her clients’ business and political drivers.
- Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law - J.D., - 2008
Summa Cum Laude, Indiana Law Review, Order of the Barristers, Environmental Law Society.
- University of Wisconsin - B.S. - 2001
Economics and Music Performance (Trumpet)
Appointments and Memberships
Indiana State Bar Association Utility Law Section
- council member and past chair
Electric Cooperative Bar Association, Indiana State Liaison
Broadband Access and Mandatory E-Filing, February 8, 2017, The Indiana Lawyer (article)
Erin C. Borissov, Global Warming: A Questionable Use of the Political Question Doctrine, 41 IND.L.REV.415 (March 2008).
Robyn Zoccola and Erin C. Borissov, Digital Divide—Disparate Impact? The Impact of Modern Recruiting and Workplace Practices That Rely on Broadband, 56 IND. L. REV. 519, 543 (2023).
Community Associations
Carmel Dads' Club soccer coach.